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Lactogrow WhatsApp Sticker


Lactogrow wanted to create 2 set of WhatsApp stickers. The first design was to showcase the "Grow Happy" brand tagline, while the second design was intended to show appreciation to doctors and midwives.


For the first set, we applied common expressions typically use in online chat sessions, while for the second set, we applied appreciation messages for healthcare professionals. In both sets, we used illustration of cute little children to convey the message of each sticker.

Lactogrow Digital Content


Lactogrow required several digital contents for its social media account (instagram). These digital contents aim to communicate the products and promotions to customers who are dominated by mothers in SES A-B with children aged 1-5 years.


We helped create Lactogrow creative content, covering concepts, copy for both visuals and captions, as well as the contents for both static image and motion videos.

floating button WA-01.png
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